① Do you make other blog in Japanese??
1. Yes ⇒ Yahoo!
2. Yes ⇒ mixi
3. No
4. No
5. Yes ⇒ mixi
② What is the most important point when you write blog??
1. pictures
2. clear
3. clear
4. number of letters
5. number of letters
③ How long do you spend to write one topic??
1. about two or three hours
2. about three hours
3. about two hours
4. about two hours
5. about three hours
④ How many comments did you write??
1. twice
2. three times
3. twice
4. twice
5. three times
⑤ Do you see famous people's blog?? ⑥ Who's blog??
1. Yes ⇒ entertainer
2. Yes ⇒ Kamiji Yusuke
3. No
4. Yes ⇒ Kamiji Yusuke
5. No
⑦ Which types design do you like better, colorful or simple??
1. simple
2. simple
3. simple
4. simple
5. colorful
⑧ How many pictures do you use one topic??
1. one or two
2. three
3. one

4. one
5. two or three