This year, the Olympic Games is going to hold in Beijing from August 8th to 24th. Do you know how many competitions are you going to hold? It is going to hold 28 competitions, 302 events. The mascot characters seem to be children. There are five children and the name is FUWA. It is imaged the Olympic games of five rings. It is mean that “Welcome to Beijing” when the name of five characters connect. I think they are very cute.
The main stadium is Beijing nation stadium. It looks like a nest of a bird. Opening ceremony and closing ceremony is held there.
The Beijing Olympic has some problems. The first is Tibet problem. The Tibet demonstration was held this year. The second is environmental problem. It is thought the air pollution gives a bad influence for athletes. Please look at this picture.We can understand air is polluted.
There some problems but I hope the Beijing Olympic will succeed!
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