I’m interested in Jenever Festival because it seems fun! People dress up and drink for two days. Jenever is alcoholic drink. Do you know ’Gin’? Jenever is the origin of the gin. Jenever Festival is held in Belgium. It is held in a city which calls Hasselt. This city looks beautiful.
Jenever Festival is held October every year. It is not well-known but some Japanese who like Belgian beer go this festival. During festival, all people drink Jenever and eat Jenever foods. People enjoy dancing and see concert. The biggest event is race. What kind of race do you think? Do you think hose race or boat race? It is mistake… it is waiter race! Waiters carry Jenever and walk fast. People who see it are very excited. I couldn’t find out what a winner gets but I think winner is admired very much from many people.
I’d like to go to Belgium and join Jenever Festival. I can’t drink alcohol yet but I become over twenty year old, I’d like to go there.

I’d like to go to Belgium and join Jenever Festival. I can’t drink alcohol yet but I become over twenty year old, I’d like to go there.
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