It seems to be a mouse but it is similar to a kangaroo. They bring up babies in their pouch. In 1837, they were brought from Australia because New Zealanders make furs. By the way, do you know how many sheeps there are in New Zealand? There are about 60 million. Right then, do you know how many possums there are in New Zealand? There are about 70 million! The number of possums is more than the sheep.

Recently, New Zealanders are troubled about number of possums. They eat a lot of plants and destroy ecosystem. New Zealanders make sweaters and scarves from possum’s fur. New Zealand is only country which can get possum’s furs. In other countries, Possums are protected.

Possums are famous for acting dead. When enemies come, they act dead to defend themselves. “Play possum” means Shindahuri in Japanese. I have never seen that but it seems perfect performance.
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